Camino Training Ep.1 – First Camino Diaries Pt 2

After getting all my gear over Black Friday weekend, now it’s time to put everything together! Next, I need to make sure I’m physically ready to carry the weights and cover the distances. Enter stage 1 of Camino training! Camino training stage distances My goals for this upcoming short Camino aren’t very ambitious – 4

First Camino Diaries Pt 1: Planning From Ground Up

From Revenge Travel to a First Camino For 2023, the travel bug reared its head and drove me into several rounds of reverse-digital-nomad stints. In the process, I discovered the one-bag community and started going carry-on only. And to take one-bag travel to the next stage, what better than a first attempt at the Camino

Mask-Making Vlog: What I learned from making 900+ masks in the COVID-19 era

Yes, I know that making masks is soooo 2020. But at the time when I was mass-producing masks, I didn’t have the bandwidth to learn video skills. So, I missed out a chance to record the process (though I dare say I was probably more productive that way). This vlog recaps how my methods and

Budget Beginner’s Tutorials Sample Project – Making Shepherd’s Pie Short

This short shows what you can do with the skills and processes taught in Episodes 1-4 of the Budget Beginner’s Tutorials. Essentially, you can make punchy videos about your life, hobbies and holidays. Because I wanted to make a YouTube Short, this video had to be less than 60 seconds long. So, the main challenge

Budget Beginners Tutorials Ep.4 – Exporting Your Project

This tutorial wraps up the basic knowledge that you need to edit your first home video end-to-end. Exporting is the process where you create a new video file incorporating all the edits. In this tutorial, I explain the concepts of file formats, codecs, and bit rates. One extra tidbit over and above what’s in the

Budget Beginners Tutorials Ep.3 – Your First Project

When I first started learning how to make videos, I needed a lot of trial and error to get to a decent(ish) end product. Therefore, I created this series to help people learn how to make videos using free tools. Instead of parading software features, I want to share practical tips step by step. This

Budget Beginners Tutorials Ep. 2 – Timeline & Interface

Hi everyone! This weekend, I managed to complete Episode 2 of the Budget Beginners Tutorials. In this episode, I start by explaining the structure of the timeline. Then I describe how layers (tracks) work, and how to understand what’s going on with the playhead (cursor in VSDC) and time codes. The second half of the