COVID-19 Treatment – Singapore boleh!

Prof Casey Chan is my honorary uncle. He grew up next door to my mum and her family in Ann Siang Hill. When I was a baby, he was one of the first family friends to visit. And he is very proud that a biotech company that he founded is innovating to manufacture antibodies for treating COVID-19.

Visit Uncle Casey’s post at his blog here:


1 thought on “COVID-19 Treatment – Singapore boleh!

  1. I was invited to Singapore to be a visiting professor at the National University of Singapore on the basis of being a “foreign talent”.
    So you see the “foreign talent” program actually works for Singapore in this case to result in a major coup.
    Never in my wildest dream, would I have ever imagine I would be contributing to the treatment of an emerging disease when I founded Humanyx 13 years ago.

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